A Year of Boldness! by Munday Martin

We are entering into a new era in the Body of Christ in 2012 where we are going to see the fullness of the prophetic fulfillment of “living epistles” being released into the nations, read of all men. God is about to release a corporate revelationto His Church to arise and shine, full of the Word and the Spirit, whom men will literally be able to read and their lives will be changed by.

2 Corinthians 3:2-3 declares: “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.”

Believers, people are going to be able to read you! Demons are going to recognize you and be afraid of you if you are a believing Believer, because you are like Xerox copies of God walking on the earth carrying the very DNA of God in your nature. Jesus died and purchased a family in the earth who, when He appears, will also appear with Him in glory (see Colossians 3:4). That is not a promise we are waiting on, it has already happened if we believe! In other words, we are already glorified and when He comes we will appear with Him in glory, as we have been releasing it on the earth while we lived!

Romans 8:30 declares over you, “Moreover whom He did predestinate, them He also called: and whom He called, them He also justified: and whom He justified, them He also glorified.”

I made a little joke to Theresa Phillips the other day, my good friend atChicago Prophetic Voice, while my good friend Charlie Shamp was preaching on justification, and I said, “Theresa, we are eternally on ‘Just-a-vacation'” – a play on words of “justification” from dead works. We laughed for hours.

Colossians 2:20-23 says in the Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition, “If then you be dead with Christ from the elements of this world, why do you yet decree as though living in the world? Touch not, taste not, handle not: Which all are unto destruction by the very use, according to the precepts and doctrines of men. Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in superstition and humility, and not sparing the body; not in any honor to the filling of the flesh.

People Can Read Us

Evangelism will take a new direction this year with fathering being the main emphasis within its engine. A new emphasis on creativity and change in our approach to unbelievers will arise in us, but not in our theology, so to speak. We won’t be just getting people to say the sinner’s prayer with lip service but we will be literally pouring our lives into the ones we lead to Christ. Jesus was a man of the multitudes, but He was also a man of the 12 disciples. It is time for the true fathers to arise who don’t just build for themselves but help build up leaders. A true leader does not build up a bunch of followers but looks to build up a bunch of leaders.

Also, God will have a people of radical love this year outshining the darkness. Many of them will speak and stop natural disasters such as earthquakes and tornadoes from happening, as the elements can’t help but listen to them, and great fear will come upon the Church as in the day of Acts – not a fear of terror, but an awe of the love and grace and power of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. Many Believers will even walk into rooms, schools and universities, and entire rooms full of people will come under conviction of their dire need for Jesus because these Believers are so full of the glory. Notice they will not do it by works but by revelation that we are God’s living epistles. Again, God will release creativity in the way we present the Gospel to people in this ever-changing society.

The other day I went out on the streets and I sensed there was an angel standing next to me while ministering to a very broken girl on the streets who was bipolar. I told her to put her hand right into the angel on my right side as I was talking with her about the Kingdom of God; she did, and screamed with joy as she felt this amazing energy of love touching her every time she put her hand into the angel. She cried out in thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ that day!

Mass Youth Harvest

I see in 2012 and beyond God saying, “Ask Me for the stadiums, arenas, civic centers and so on, because I am going to fill them with youth.” God says,”Chicago, you are Mine! New York City, you are Mine! Wales, you are Mine!Ukraine, you are Mine!” Just to name a few. Youth will not have to be told by their parents to go to the house of God because they will go by their own will, and freedom from sin through what Jesus has done will take precedence over stale religious sermons and a church who only preaches judgment.

Mercy is falling! Mercy is falling on the youth of America! God is calling forth a company of youth who will even not fear to die for the Gospel. This year our ministry is going to Nepal to do a Mass Crusade in a predominately Hindu nation. We don’t see danger, we just see Jesus! As we are filled with His love, we become incapacitated from our own self works and super-charged with Jesus’ power and we don’t fear man, any obstacle, or even giving up our lives for the Cross. When you are so full of His glory you can’t help but love the world like God does.

No More Timidity

I must brag on many of the African churches I am in relationship with. I have ministered in mass crusades in Uganda, Nigeria, Benin, and Togo, and one common thread I see in Believers there is how resplendent they shine and how bold they are about their faith in Jesus Christ, even in regions filled with darkness and witchcraft. So bold are these Africans about their faith that I even read signs on businesses in Africa such as “Holy Ghost Auto Repairs,” and the list goes on.

We Are Not Out of Gas

God is going to help Christians that have believed false belief systems that we somehow have run out of Holy Spirit fuel in 2012! Wet blanket theology would have us believe that somehow we must run to Heaven to get refilled because we have poured out so much, but in that poor mathematical equation we are dry going back to God each time we beg Him for more of Him. We should live in the glory daily and can. John 3:34 literally says that we have the Spirit without measure! The Weymouth New Testament of that Scripture says, “For He whom God has sent speaks God’s words; for God does not give the Spirit with limitations.” Believe it and receive it.

A Church that Makes Sense to the World

The Lord spoke to my heart recently and said to me, “World culture outside of Church culture is changing so fast. Many in the Church have forgotten how to make Christ relevant in our times. I am raising up a new breed of Believer who will have a major shift in their mindset, and I am taking the Church out of the shadows of timidity and fear into the boldness of My Spirit.”

God is not just a God of individuals and families, or a God of churches, but literally He wants to be a God of communities, a God of nations! “I am raising up a communities that will build each other up and not tear each other down. I am even going to disassemble the backstabbing and backbiting that has been going on in the prophetic streams, and we are going to see a culture of honor released in the prophetic stream, the glory stream, and in all streams and denominations across the globe.” In these spheres of honor, men all around us will know we are His disciples because of the love that we have for one another (see John 13:35).

Also, with an economy driven by a stalled job market and uncertainty about the future course of the global economy, concerns over job security and other economic risks are rising to new heights in many parts of the world. Guess who is going to be released into political and business sectors to influence the world right now? Yep! The Body of Christ… arising out of false identities, who will know their true identities in Christ and are going to disciple nations! You are so much bigger on the inside than you are on the outside!

God, I ask You to release a mass company of living Epistles in 2012 and beyond into the nations full of faith, wisdom, power and love, who will bring Your Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven and prepare the world for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is coming back for a glorious Bride. Release boldness, authority, and Holy Spirit fun over Your Church right now in Your holy, precious name, and let us shine Your light so bright in the midst of darkness! What amazing days we are living in!

“Fear not, little flock, for it has been the good pleasure of your Father to give you the Kingdom.” Luke 12:32 Darby Translation

Munday Martin
Contagious Love International

Email: munday@contagiousloveintl.com

What you do not know could kill you!

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.” – Hosea 4:6

This past week, one of our Senior Pastors, Pr. Isaias Santos, brought a powerful word about ignorance.

He said, “There are two types of ignorant people: involuntary and voluntary ignorants.”

This particular message was so revelational and challenging that I felt the need to post my notes, plus some extra revelation the Lord gave me from this message. My exhortation to you is to read this notes, pray, meditate and reflect on them, repent and allow God to impart some fresh knowledge from Heaven today.

In the time of Hosea,the prophet, the people of Israel where searching only for God’s hand and not His face. They did not want to know Him. The Lord then released an exhorting word to His people. He said that His people were dying because of ignorance.

Ignorance is the lack of knowledge; it destroys and it kills. Therefore ignorance is the opposite of knowledge.

Knowledge is understand, be familiar, be aware of a particular subject or person.

There are two kinds of knowledge:

  1. Sentient knowledge. This is the knowledge acquired through our senses, through experience.
  2. Revelation knowledge. This is the knowledge acquired through intimacy with God, through surrender.

There is a saying: “what you don’t know, won’t kill you.” This is one of the greatest lies implanted in our minds today. What you do not know could indeed kill you. The enemy will always take advantage of us in the areas of our ignorance.

Matthew 22:29: “But Jesus replied to them, You are wrong because you know neither the Scriptures (Word) nor God’s power (Spirit).”

Ignorance will lead you into making mistakes that will be detrimental for the fulfilling of your destiny.

Now any sentient knowledge is useless without the revelation knowledge of God. Because the revelation knowledge is what leads us into applying correctly all sentient knowledge, and it will judge which sentient knowledge concurs with Him and which does not.

There are two types of ignorants in the world:

  1. Involuntary Ignorant: Is the one whose resources and environment does naturally allow him to grow and acquire knowledge. For example: you were born in a very poor area, you grew up in as an orphan, your parents never inspire you to learn, etc.
  2. Voluntary ignorant: Is the one that although has the capability and opportunity to acquire knowledge chooses not to. Therefore this person is one who rejects knowledge.

Whether you are an involuntary or voluntary ignorant, you can still change your course. You can choose to not remain ignorant.

I have personally known people who during their childhood, did not have the resources to learn, but as they got older they went to college, got a degree and are now successful business owners. Some of them even retired at an early age and are enjoying life!

I have also known people with plenty of resources that have chosen to remain ignorant and are a burden to those that love them. They are failures, children who never grew up. They are miserable!

As disciples of Christ we cannot remain ignorant, we are everlasting students in this life. There is always something new the Lord wants to teach us about. Life is a learning journey, whether you believe it or not.

Because Israel chose to remain ignorant the Lord:

  • Rejected them as priests (in other words, no intimacy or relationship with God)
  • Forgot their children (no protection over their families and loved ones)

Ignorance not only affects us but our closest ones as well.

Let us not be like the people of Israel choose to acquire knowledge and apply that knowledge into your life, so that you may live abundantly to the glory of  His name!