Prayer Focus: America – Our President

Like mentioned last week, for the next months our main focus of prayer will be the United States of America. Here are some different areas we need to pray for. God bless!

Click on this link for the prayer points:

Special Bulletin #6: The End Is Near by Rick Joyner : MorningStar Ministries

For the next months our main focus of prayer needs to be America, as we are preparing for our next presidential elections. We need to be conscious of the fact that spiritually, America is at a crossroads. We either repent as a nation and return to God or we will face the inevitable consequences of our actions as a nation.

Whether you are a born and raised American, naturalized American, or immigrant, you still need to pray for the United States.

I attached this bulletin by Rick Joyner. He gives some interesting points. Read and pray. Intercede for our nation today!

God bless.


Special Bulletin #6: The End Is Near by Rick Joyner : MorningStar Ministries.