Morning Prayers

“With my soul I have desired You in the night, Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early; For when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” – Isaiah 26:9
We are currently holding morning prayers in our church, and it has been powerful. I have seen how God is truly pleased by a church that prays.
His hand is moving in supernatural ways, and the most amazing part is the He is doing it through us!
Last Saturday, the women and I were worshipping Him, when one of the women saw the throne of God in our midst! We could sense his mighty presence and authority over us. With this, God led us to intercede for the tsunami that was coming towards America. It was powerful; God gave us His faith and we saw with our spiritual eyes a barrier that stopped that tsunami from affecting the west coast of America.
During the week, we also have prayer from 7-10 am. The Lord has been moving in different ways every day. Yesterday and today was a rest in His presence. Last week was God activating and leadings us to exercise our authority.
I wonder what He will do tomorrow morning!
That is the beauty about God, you never know what to expect, so every time that you come before His throne come expecting….
Let us pray, let us be hungry and thisty for Him, for He is the only one that satisfies our souls!