Joey LeTourneau: A Mother for This Time

Doug AddisonIntro by Doug Addison:

I had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with Joey and Destiny LeTourneau and I was amazed at the depth of their maturity and excited about the relevant prophetic message they have. I was so moved by the spiritual insights on the family of God that I asked them to share it with us. This is a much-needed message for the new movement from God that is coming in 2012. I became a grandfather this year and recognize even more the need to be fathers and mothers and grandfathers and grandmothers to people in need. As we embrace the spiritual outcast, we will see God move in people like never before. I highly recommend Joey’s ministry and want to share his revelation on the Church becoming a mother to the outcasts.

Doug Addison
InLight Connection

A Mother for This Time

Joey LeTourneauFor as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:14-15

Recently, my family and I left our home in Ethiopia after spending the last three years there. The Lord had told us it was time to return to the States and join Him in His “harvest of harvesters.” I asked the Lord for a mandate for this time to know how to join Him in this way. God spoke to my heart, “I want My Bride to be the mother I have called her to be.”

The Bride is a mother who has prophetic children, those that are conceived through us agreeing with the Spirit’s special plan for their lives, and this time. We must join the Father and co-labor with the Spirit of adoption who is now hovering over households, entire cities, and nations. God calls us to bring Heaven to earth by tapping into the promises of the Father’s house above to give life to a world full of His children, like the mother He has called us to be.

A New Thing

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?”Isaiah 43:19

New life is given through a mother, and it starts in the most hidden, unseen of places. As we prepare for the new thing God is releasing into our world, we must look at our role and remember that new life requires a mother to take the Father’s seed and give it life! Right now, God has given us a new seed for a new season, a move of God we are tremendously expectant of. There is much more life in a seed than what one can initially see. A mother recognizes this and begins to call forth this new and powerful life while it is still unseen to the masses.

Giving Life to Unlikely Sons and Daughters

And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!… For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” Luke 1:41-42, 44-45

Will we be like Elizabeth and Mary who had new, hidden and unlikely life put within them and who co-labored with the Spirit before that life was actually revealed to the world? A mother is an undervalued portrait of the prophetic move God is using to birth a reformation generation of sons and daughters of the King. We might be striving to be a prepared Bride, but God is calling us to be a Spirit-empowered, life-giving mother who gives life to a new, currently-hidden generation. A mother knows how to redeem sons and daughters in the most hidden of places for just the right time.

There are unlikely, impossible sons and daughters of the King about to come from a spiritual womb as Elizabeth and Mary experienced, sons and daughters already leaping in response to a true mother’s voice. The birth of this new generation will only happen as we begin to look at the world, every person, whether in the suburbs or the Sahara, through the eyes of a hopeful, nurturing, expectant, believing, life-giving mother.

We are awaiting a promised generation of sons and daughters to arise and shine! “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord”(Luke 1:45).

My own mother has represented the picture of a prophetic, life-giving mother all my life. She has constantly called forth the life inside of me, life that may be hidden to others, life that she knows wants to come out and multiply to many more. A mother is prophetic as she co-labors with the Father; she “gives life to the dead, and calls those things which do not exist, as though they did” (Romans 4:17).

A Mother’s Perspective

My grandmother was also prophetic in the way she looked at family. Everyone outside of her home, anyone the Father might call His child, she would love them, embrace them and invite them in as if they were already family. She gave life to many spiritual sons and daughters and the new things God was doing in their lives. She looked at them and loved them as if the Father’s children were her children as well.

A mother is unselfish and unconditional in her perspective. She carries them to the appointed time, adopts them from hard situations into family, bears with them, protects them, provides for them, believes in them when others do not, and rises up in a mama-bear mentality that can only be found in the ferocity of a mother’s love and faith towards her children.

It is a time to look at all people, whether lost, broken or just ready for their time, as Mary and Elizabeth did with the children within them. We will agree with the Spirit and give life to these children of God in a way that breeds the nature of the Father and empowers them to come into their true calling as sons and daughters of the King. A mother recognizes the impossible potential hidden within a womb, an egg, or a seed.

A harvest of harvesters begins with a generation preparing to be the Bride, but who already lives and gives life as the mother God has called her to be.

Joey LeTourneau
M.A.R.K. 10:14 Family / Heavenly Hope Ministries



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