How Kingdom Principles Transform Leaders and Their Ministries – James B. and Molly Davis Scott

The Impact of Kingdom Leaders

With so much being written and taught on leadership, why does the leadership crisis continue to grow in the Church? It’s because one critical element is still lacking in our understanding of spiritual leadership. Yes, we need leaders who possess excellent leadership skills and can make effective decisions, but that’s not enough. There’s more to it than grasping the “how to” techniques of leadership, or even developing a certain leadership style.

In my tiny bedroom as a child, there hung a picture of a Scot collie standing over a little lamb in the midst of a violent Canadian snowstorm. Often I’d lie there thinking about that poor lamb asleep in the snow. In the distance you could see the vultures, waiting to kill and devour the unsuspecting lamb. You could hear the fierce encircling snow and wind, and feel the disorientation that produces an intense desire to lie down—a singular moment that brings death.

I’d marvel at that brave collie standing over the lamb, raising its voice against the bitter wind, calling for the master. I dreamed of growing up to be like that collie, finding lost and helpless sheep asleep in the storms of life and calling for the Master.

There are destructive, even hateful forces in this world seeking to destroy us. Sometimes we feel like curling up, hoping the storm will pass over so we won’t have to face the struggle any longer. It’s easy to want to escape, but the best recourse from evil is to recognize its existence, preparing to meet it head on.

Too many sheep are being lost without experiencing the full and abundant life God intends for them. And too few collies are out there calling for the Master’s help. God is calling for Kingdom leaders who love God and others with their whole being to go out into the storms of life and find the lost, bringing them to the Master.

The Character of Leadership

Becoming a Kingdom leader is primarily about who we are on the inside. As the transformation process progresses, it influences our style of leadership and determines our effectiveness as spiritual leaders, impacting the organizations we work in. Kingdom people want to follow a Kingdom leader.

Kingdom leaders have a strong desire to be complete Christians. They want to grow by participating with God in making their lives all they can be for themselves and others. They’re willing to work for the Kingdom, carrying on the ministry of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. But Kingdom people need this warning: neither Satan, nor the world, nor casual Christians want you to become a complete Christian.

No Christian organization or ministry can rise above the level of the quality and commitment of its leadership. Character is an essential dimension of leadership: Therefore, we want Kingdom leaders who are:

  • Walking with God. This is a leader who truly has a heart for God and is faithfully seeking his direction through prayer, Scripture and by listening to the Holy Spirit as he speaks through mature Christians.
  • Reflecting Christ’s character. A Kingdom leader must have integrity, honesty and truthfulness—all those qualities that generate trust. Without trust there’s little hope for growth and success in ministry. Holiness in heart and life is the basis of respect and foundational in building respect.
  • Relating as a team player. Kingdom leaders are secure enough to work in harmony with other strong leaders in a team relationship. Trust and respect are developed in an environment where everyone feels free to share his or her thoughts, feelings, ideas and corrections. Real leaders are open to receiving unfavorable feedback about situations and figuring out within the team how to deal with them.
  • Caring with action. This is genuine compassion, like Jesus modeled, that not only listens to what people have to say, but does something about the situation. Listening to people is a wonderful ability; however, for a leader that’s not enough. Leaders go into action and make things happen.
  • Exhibiting a gentle spirit. Great leaders always seem to have this element of humility, gentleness and kindness. This is not weakness, but the essence of Christ-likeness.

Three Doors to Spiritual Transformation

Becoming a Kingdom leader who produces other Kingdom leaders happens only through spiritual transformation. It’s a very personal and individual process, but it happens best within the community of faith.

To be effective representatives of Jesus in the world, it’s imperative that we live in an obedient relationship with the Spirit. Everything else is secondary to this primary qualification. His active presence in our lives is absolutely essential in becoming who we want to be and in living how we want to live. Through this process our lives are transformed, giving us greater power to serve Christ in the world and greater effectiveness in leading others in Kingdom work. It’s only then that our organizations can be transformed.

There are three doors that lead us into Kingdom effectiveness:

  • Door One: Refreshing our love and obedience to the Trinity. In our union with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we’re empowered to become complete Christians. By developing a unique and special relationship with each person in the Trinity, we’re shaped to live and love as God intended.
  • Door Two: Restoring the power of connection. The unequivocal call of Jesus is to be in union with his Body, where we find the life-giving force and power for Kingdom living. Through other believers we discover the help we need to sustain our calling in ministry.
  • Door Three: Reforming our lives in service to the world. When we become one with the Spirit, we hear his call to go into the world and proclaim by word and deed God’s Kingdom with love, compassion, and justice.

Living in the Realities

Kingdom people are fortified by three gifts from the Father:

  • God gives you his righteousness so you can be made right with him.
  • God gives you his peace so you can live without fear or an anxious spirit in this world.
  • God gives you his courage so you can speak up for issues of justice and mercy.

The last reality is the most exciting: When we move toward God, he moves toward us. Spiritual forces are put into motion, yielding joy and effectiveness beyond anything we could ever do on our own.

God has provided a vast pool of resources for effective ministry. With these tremendous promises and resources, we’re now ready for whatever task the Spirit gives us. What more could be needed?


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